Answer Does God Exist? - The question of God’s existence is one that is often raised in gatherings, classrooms, television, and movies. While some doubt God, many humans throughout different times, cultures, and regions acknowledged the existence of a higher power. Despite the fact that humans differ on almost everything, the belief in a higher power has been consistent in all cultures, times, and places. Atheism has grown more prominent in modern times, especially after the West had very bad experiences with the Church. Therefore, atheists usually reject religion based on their study of Christianity and not Islam. Atheism and Atheists often present their position as one that is logical and scientific while simultaneously portraying religion and religious people as backward and illogical. They also reject God’s existence because the alleged lack of scientific proof for it. This is an unfair standard because not everything in life is proven through a microscope or in a lab. In our day to day lives we accept things as being true with methods that are not scientific.
Some atheists refuse to believe in God based on the fact that they cannot see Him. For them, believing in something you cannot see is equivalent to belief in a fairy tale or belief in unicorns. However, not everything in life is accepted simply because it is seen. There are many things that we believe based on evidence and not proof. In court, people use evidence to build a case to prove something. They take all the pieces and put them together to arrive at what we would consider “proof.” A glove at a murder scene, a witness, and a known motive are pieces of evidence that are used to build a legal case against a murderer. If one goes home and sees their parents car, their keys, shoes, jacket, and umbrella they can use these pieces of evidences to come to the logical conclusion that the parent is in the house.
We accept most things in our life are based on evidence and not absolute proof in the sense of seeing. For instance, we accept that our parents are actually our parents, one does not demand scientific proof that they are actually the biological child of their parents. People accept that based on evidence that there parents have been together for so many years, that other people testify that they are their parents, and based on the fact that their parents are loyal to each other. People accept the fact that someone is a male or female based on evidence such as facial hair, physique, and other features. No one in their right mind always needs “proof” and demands to actually see everyone’s private parts to make sure they are male or female. In other words, they believed something without seeing it.
Similarly, we may not see God, but there are so many signs that, when taken together, prove God’s existence. The Qurʾān refers to things in nature as “signs,” which are meant to point to God’s greatness and existence. However, most people pass by these signs or evidence and turn away in arrogance. And how many a sign within the heavens and earth do they pass over while they, are turning away from it (Q. 12: 105). The sun, moon, earth, rain, birth, animals, human body, and life are all evidence of God’s existence, knowledge, and wisdom. It is these signs lead to the logical conclusion that there is a God and that He did not create this world in vain. Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding. Those who remember Allah standing and sitting and lying on their sides and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth: Our Lord! You have not created this in vain! Glory be to You; save us then from the chastisement of the fire (Q. 3: 190-91). For the vast majority of humans, God’s existence does not need proof, it is very clear. As the Arabic proverb notes “Nothing will make sense to the mind if even clear daylight needs to be proven.”
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